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Days of India in Armenia: A week-long festival

                                                                            September 30, 2015.

From 31th of August till 6th of September 2015  Indo-Armenian Friendship in collaboration with ICIRLD Armenia and Havana Restaurant Complex with the support of the Embassy of India in Armenia organized the Cultural Festival “Days of India in Armenia”.


It became a festival of colors and joy, tastes and beauties, a festival of a real friendship and global understanding, a festival of new discoveries and new perceptions of real India which is beyond Bollywood…

The grand opening was attended by more than 20 ambassadors of different countries in Armenia, by many representatives of  very different Ministries and by Indian culture lovers in general. 

The cultural program of the Opening was full of Indian music and dances performed by Armenian artists. The special guest of the evening was Rima Shamo, a rather famous dancer of Indian dances who lives in Georgia. One of the surprises of the Opening ceremony was the Armenian song “ Ov sirun, sirun” performed by the  Second Secretary of the Embassy of India in Armenia Mr. Prashant Das.

During the days of the Festival in some regions of India was being celebrated Onam festival which lasts 10 days and symbolizes a colorful celebration of the harvest. We also managed to celebrate it by dropping down in the water small baskets of flowers and candles.

The Festival lasted till the 6th of September. Starting from the 2nd of September we had seminars and workshops on very different topics about India and Indian Culture. We had seminars on Indian Spices and Jewelry, Indian dances, cultural diversity and touristic attractions of India, New Ages and Ayurveda, and so on.

The last day was “The day of Indian Cuisine”. It was organized in collaboration with Indian restaurants Veda and Karma. Our guests could enjoy not only the food of Indian cooks from the Indian restaurants but also the hospitality of Mrs. Arevik, the cook of almost all Indian ambassadors in Armenia, an Armenian woman with very deep knowledge and endless love of Indian Cuisine and Culture.

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